KINGSAT 4G LTE Maritime Antenna Z6 | Comprehensive Guide

by Hamid Bagheri  |  June 4, 2024

In today's digital age, reliable and robust communication is paramount, especially for maritime activities. The KINGSAT 4G LTE Maritime Antenna Z6, also known as the KM-Z6, is specifically designed to meet the demanding communication needs of maritime environments. This high-gain, omnidirectional antenna ensures stable and reliable connectivity even in the harshest conditions. This article provides an in-depth look at the KINGSAT 4G LTE Maritime Antenna Z6, covering all the essential features, benefits, drawbacks, and pricing. We will also refer to VSATPlus, where this product is available for purchase.

High Gain, Omnidirectional Antenna

The KINGSAT 4G LTE Maritime Antenna Z6 is equipped with six high-gain sector antennas, which provide excellent coverage in all directions. This omnidirectional capability ensures signal reception up to 40 km away from the base station in obstacle-free conditions, making it ideal for maritime communication where physical barriers can often obstruct signals.

Built-in 4G Router

One of the standout features of the KM-Z6 is its built-in 4G router. This integration simplifies both the setup and maintenance processes, making it easier for users to get connected quickly. The router supports all available 4G-LTE band networks, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of service providers globally.

Key Features and Specifications of KINGSAT 4G LTE Maritime Antenna Z6

Easy to Install and Use

The KM-Z6 is designed with user-friendliness in mind. Its intuitive interface allows even beginners to set up and start using the antenna without any hassle. The use of Power over Ethernet (PoE) further simplifies wiring and ensures optimal signal performance.

Outdoor Design and Waterproof

Constructed to withstand the harsh marine environment, the KM-Z6 boasts a waterproof rating of IP56. This ensures that the antenna can endure extreme weather conditions, including high humidity and strong winds. The high-quality materials used in its construction guarantee durability and long-term reliability.

Mechanical Specifications

  • Radome Size: 78 x 80 cm (31” x 31.5”)
  • Weight: 18 kg
  • Radome Material: ASA

Electrical Performance

  • Frequency Range: 1710-2700 MHz
  • Beamwidth: Horizontal 360° (Omni-Direction), Elevation ≥ 12° ± 2°
  • Gain: ≥14 dBi (High Band)
  • VSWR: ≤1.6
  • Polarization: Vertical
  • Connector Type: N type
  • Side Lobe Suppression: ≥14 dB
Electrical Performance of KINGSAT 4G LTE Maritime Antenna Z6

Outdoor 4G Router Specifications

  • Network Support: TDD-LTE B38/B39/B40/B41, FDD-LTE B1/B3/B5/B8 (All available 4G-LTE bands)
  • Nominal Maximum Speed: Downlink 150 Mbps, Uplink 50 Mbps
  • LAN Port: 1 x 10/100M Ethernet Port
  • SIM Card: Supports 1.8/3.3V standard SIM card (SIM card slot adaptor supplied)
  • PoE Adaptor: AC110-220V to PoE Adaptor, Output 12V/1A

Working Environment

  • Operating Temperature: -25° ~ 55°C
  • Storage Temperature: -30° ~ 85°C
  • Humidity: Up to 100% @ 40°C
  • Wind Speed: Up to 60 m/sec from any direction
  • Waterproof: IP56

High Performance and Reliability

The KM-Z6's high gain of ≥14 dBi ensures robust and stable connectivity, which is crucial for maritime communication. The omnidirectional design means that users can rely on consistent signal strength regardless of their direction or location relative to the base station.

Versatility and Compatibility

Supporting all available 4G-LTE bands, the KM-Z6 offers unparalleled versatility. Whether users are in coastal regions or navigating the open sea, the antenna can connect to a wide range of service providers, ensuring seamless communication.

Positives of the KINGSAT 4G LTE Maritime Antenna Z6

User-Friendly Design

The easy installation process and the intuitive interface make the KM-Z6 accessible to all users, regardless of their technical expertise. The built-in 4G router further simplifies the process, eliminating the need for additional equipment and reducing setup time.


Designed for marine environments, the KM-Z6 is built to last. Its IP56 waterproof rating and high-quality materials ensure that it can withstand harsh weather conditions, including heavy rain, high humidity, and strong winds. This durability translates to long-term reliability and reduced maintenance costs.


While the initial investment might seem substantial, the KM-Z6's long-term benefits and reliability offer excellent value for money. The reduction in maintenance needs and the ease of setup contribute to lower overall operational costs.

Customers are encouraged to visit VSATPlus for the latest pricing and availability of the KINGSAT 4G LTE Maritime Antenna Z6. To obtain pricing details for KINGSAT 4G LTE Maritime Antenna Z6, be sure to visit 4G LTE Maritime Antenna Z6, where you can find competitive pricing along with special offers.

Pricing of KINGSAT 4G LTE Maritime Antenna Z6

The KINGSAT 4G LTE Maritime Antenna Z6 stands out as a reliable and robust solution for maritime communication needs. With its high gain, omnidirectional coverage, built-in 4G router, and durable design, it offers unparalleled performance and reliability in marine environments. While it has some drawbacks, such as weight and power requirements, the overall benefits far outweigh these considerations.

Whether you're a maritime professional or an enthusiast, the KM-Z6 ensures that you stay connected even in the most challenging conditions. For those looking to invest in a high-quality maritime communication solution, the KINGSAT 4G LTE Maritime Antenna Z6 is an excellent choice. Visit VSAT Plus for more information and to make your purchase.

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  1. VSAT Plus - KINGSAT 4G LTE Maritime Antenna Z6
  2. Bluestone PIM - What is a Product Benefit
  3. Javatpoint - Advantages and Disadvantages of Information Technology
  4. Kingsat Tech - Maritime 4G-LTE

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